Wednesday, November 3rd, 2010 Posted by Jim Thacker

Turn photos into 3D models online with Scanner Killer

3D scanning company XYZ RGB has just launched a new online service,, enabling users to generate textured 3D models from photos.

The site uses photogrammetric technology to convert stereo pair images of real objects into digital models.

The service requires users to follow a four-step workflow, setting up paired DSLR cameras using the stereo calibration wizard and checkerboard targets provided; shooting paired images and creating an optional image mask; uploading the images to the site; then viewing a 2.5D preview of the result. A range of viewing options are available, including wireframe, shaded and textured.

Once the user is happy with the result, the model can be downloaded in OBJ format, at a cost of $13 per job.

The workflow looks like it requires familiarity with some intermediate-level photographic techniques, but nothing that will be too daunting to anyone who has used an image-based modelling package such as 3DSOM Pro or PhotoModeler.

According to digital doubles specialist Lee Perry-Smith of Infinite-Realities, who tipped us off about the service: “Scanner Killer is a great idea and allows people that don’t have large amounts of cash or expensive hardware to compete in the scanning market.”

“I know from the tests I have done and my experience using other stereo photogrammetry software that their stuff is pretty advanced and an amazing service to offer online. It’s also quite cheap.”

Sounds like a recommendation to us.
