Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017 Posted by Jim Thacker

Watch Gurmukh Bhasin’s free masterclass in vehicle design

Gnomon has announced 3D Concept Design Workflow: Vehicle Creation with Gurmukh Bhasin, a free two-hour masterclass with the leading concept designer at its Hollywood campus this Thursday.

The event will also be broadcast worldwide via the school’s Livestream channel. You can watch along via the embedded player above and ask questions on Twitter using the hashtag #gnomon.

Discover 3D vehicle design workflows used on Star Citizen
Over the course of the evening, Gurmukh Bhasin – concept artist for many of the ships in Cloud Imperium Games’ Star Citizen – will share his workflow for 3D vehicle design.

Using a range of software including Maya, NURBS modelling tool MoI 3D, KeyShot and Photoshop, Bhasin will explore how to incorporate real-world construction techniques, manufacturing constraints, material properties, functionality, and storytelling to help ground concept designs in reality.

Free to attend, but register online in advance
3D Concept Design Workflow: Vehicle Creation with Gurmukh Bhasin takes place at Gnomon’s Hollywood campus from 7.30-9.30pm on Thurday 23 February 2017. It’s free, but you’ll need to register online first.

Read more about 3D Concept Design Workflow on Gnomon’s website

Full disclosure: CG Channel is owned by Gnomon – School of Visual Effects, Games and Animation.